This Page Hyperlinked [click on] Mount Baker Stratovolcano (background) © ®™ / Kulshan Stratovolcano © ®™, Simon Fraser University (foreground) ~ Image by Stan G. Webb - In Retirement © ™ ®, An Intelligent Grandfather's Guides © ™ ® the next website to look at is New Cascadia Dawn © ™ ® - Cascadia Rising - M9 to M10+, An Intelligent Grandfather's Guide © ™ ® The next website to look at is The Man From Minto © ™ ® - A Prospector Who Knows His Rocks And Stuff © ™ ® Learn more about the Cascadia Volcanic Arc © ™ ® (Part of Pacific Ring of Fire) Cascadia Volcanoes © ™ ® and the currently active Mount Meager Massif © ™ ®, part of the Cascadia Volcanic Arc © ™ ® [ash flow, debris flows, fumaroles and hot springs], just northwest of Pemberton and Whistler, Canada ~ My personal interest in the Mount Meager Massif © ™ ® is that the last volcanic vent blew north, into the Bridge River Valley [The Bridge River Valley Community Association (BRVCA), [formerly Bridge River Valley Economic Development Society], near my hometown. I am the Man From Minto © ™ ® - A Prospector Who Knows His Rocks And Stuff © ™ ® NEW this year If You Have a Mobility Disability (Earthquake Safety Video Series), on Youtube << slide Image Left On The Website Mastheads (here and elsewhere) Image by Stan G. Webb is of Kulshan (Mt. Baker) an active, live stratovolcano about 108 kilometres east of Vancouver, Canada. Simon Fraser University is in the foreground. Those who dance with earthquakes and volcanoes are considered mad by those who cannot smell the sulfur. We begin to deal with BIG (MEGA) EARTHQUAKES at New Cascadia Dawn© - Cascadia Rising - M9 to M10+, An Intelligent Grandfather's Guide© next, Simon Fraser University (foreground) Kulshan Stratovolcano© / Mount Baker Stratovolcano (background)© ~ Image by Stan G. Webb - In Retirement©, An Intelligent Grandfather's Guides© next, The Man From Minto© - A Prospector Who Knows His Rocks And Stuff©
Learn more about the Cascadia Volcanic Arc© (Part of Pacific Ring of Fire) Cascadia Volcanoes© and the currently active Mount Meager Massif©, part of the Cascadia Volcanic Arc© [ash flow, debris flows, fumaroles and hot springs], just northwest of Pemberton and Whistler, Canada ~ My personal interest in the Mount Meager Massif© is that the last volcanic vent blew north, into the Bridge River Valley [The Bridge River Valley Community Association (BRVCA), [formerly Bridge River Valley Economic Development Society], near my hometown. I am the Man From Minto© - A Prospector Who Knows His Rocks And Stuff©

I experienced my first magnitude 7.0-7.5 earthquake when I was almost 23 months old. It almost knocked me to the ground. That 1946 Vancouver Island earthquake struck Vancouver Island on June 23 at 10:15 a.m.[1] with a magnitude estimated at 7.0 Ms[2] and 7.5 Mw.[6] The main shock epicenter occurred in the Forbidden Plateau area northwest of Courtenay. While most of the large earthquakes in the Vancouver area occur at tectonic plate boundaries, the 1946 Vancouver Island earthquake was a crustal event. Shaking was felt from Portland, Oregon, to Prince Rupert, British Columbia. This is one of the most damaging earthquakes in the history of British Columbia, but damage was restricted because there were no heavily populated areas near the epicentre, where severe shaking occurred. There were, however, a whole series of landslides in the Forbidden Plateau area there were a whole series of landslides blocked streams and rivers to create lakes. The first hikers into the area gave them great names, Landslide Lake, Rock Fall Lake, Earthquake Lake etc.; over time these natural dams were eroded to nothing, leaving nothing but fading memories of those lakes. This earthquake is Canada's largest historic onshore earthquake.[1] Three years later, an earthquake, an M8.1, struck at 8:01 p.m. PDT on August 2, 1949 in Haida Gwaii [formerly Queen Charlotte Islands], an interplate earthquake that occurred on the ocean bottom just off the west coast of the main south island [Graham Island]. The shock had a surface wave magnitude of 8.1 and a maximum Mercalli Intensity of VIII (Severe).
Earthquake Drills in British Columbia All jurisdictions all over the world have some form of Earthquake Preparedness Countdown to Earthquake, Flood and Volcano Drill - International Great ShakeOut Day is October 20, 2022 at 10:20AM - . I grew up in small towns and in the North where the rule is share and share alike. So, I'm a Creative Commons type of guy. Copy and paste ANY OF MY MATERIAL anywhere you want. Hyperlinks to your own Social Media are at the bottom of each post. Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under my Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. . SOUND ON >> TO WATCH FULL SCREEN start the video and click on the YouTube Icon at the bottom and expand there. Later When you close that window you will be brought back here.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Cascadia - A Place Where Giants Roam | Free Documentary Nature

Cascadia - A Place Where Giants Roam | Free Documentary Nature [48:05 minutes]

Cascadia - A Place Where Giants Roam | Wildlife Documentary Watch 'Blue Planet: The Fascinating World Beneath the Waves' here: Olympic National Park was founded in 1938 and is located in the western part of the US state of Washington on the Olympic Peninsula. Since 1976 the national park has also been designated as a UNESCO biosphere reserve. In 1981 UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site. Since the national park is located on a remote peninsula, some animal and plant species have developed here that can only be found here in the park. For this reason, the park is a popular research area for biologists and zoologists. The national park consists of two separate parts. The coastline is very rugged and often shrouded in fog. Inland, the forest connects directly to the beaches, which often leads to fallen tree trunks lying across the beach. The core area of ​​the park is the mountainous region around the Olympic Mountains, which is covered by many ancient glaciers. To the west of it are temperate rainforest up to the park boundary, here lies the wettest point in the contiguous United States. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe Free Documentary - Nature Channel for free: Facebook: Twitter: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #FreeDocumentaryNature #Documentary #Cascadia ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer. Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.

Sky Hunters, The World of the Dragonfly - The Secrets of Nature

Sky Hunters, The World of the Dragonfly - The Secrets of Nature    [49:48 minutes]

They hover over ponds and pools and inhabit the banks of rivers and streams. With their dazzling metallic colours and unique ways of flying they are truly jewels of the air. This film presents dragonflies as they have never been seen before. Fascinating close up shots take us into the world of these insects, which have lived on earth since the age of the dinosaurs. Spectacular super slow motion shots and elaborate computer animation uncover, for the first time, how dragonflies capture their prey at lightning speed while flying and how they mate in the air. Underwater photography reveals the development of the predatory dragonfly larvae while time lapse sequences show the emergence of the fully grown insect. However these amazingly colourful flying acrobats are in danger. The dragonfly's preferred habitat in and around water is rapidly diminishing, which, in Europe alone, has pushed around 80 species to the brink of extinction.